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Wine and Spirits Brokers

Wine and Spirits Brokers

Expert seekers of Charente spirits, the so-called ‘country brokers’ (courtier de campagne) travel from vineyard to vineyard in search of cognac stocks.

They note the quality and age of cognacs from hundreds of producers in order to better respond to the demands of cognac-trading firms in search of specific flavors for the production of this or that cut. They taste, evaluate and compare thousands of samples and thus have a thorough knowledge of the sector and the many players.

They are often a certified goods broker as well and conduct amicable or judicial appraisals, inventories and valuations, and draw up price certifications that are used for evaluating spirits.

They are an indispensable link between viticulture and trade and sometimes uncover treasures that have remained hidden for decades.


Winegrowers in Rouillac : ép. 01 Julien Massé

In the first episode Julien Massé, winegrower in Rouillac, tells us about his commitment to ...

A trip in Cognac’s world

Cognac is a world of its own, rich, and full of history. From the smaller ...

[Transmission] Winegrower and his child

Knowledge transmission is undeniably one of the major current issues in French viticulture and in ...