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Nurseryman and his client

The nurseryman supports his client by following up on root development and assuring protection against diseases. Plot after plot, the nursery and winemaker relationship requires real dedication.

Planting a new vine represents a commitment of several decades for winegrowers. The technical, qualitative and economic stakes require a great deal of foresight and a soil study that takes stock of everything from its physical-chemical composition to the location, altitude, slope, concavity, exposure, structure, texture and humidity level!

The plot is studied, prepared and the type of plant selected, it is necessary to count another eighteen months before delivering the order.

Even before the planting, viticulture is a science whose techniques are constantly being refined. Then comes the choice of the plant itself, that is to say the grape variety, and especially the rootstock that must be adapted to the given agronomic characteristics. The stakes are high because the rootstock is what enables the vine to resist drought and to cope with excess iron or limestone. The most widespread grape variety is unmistakably ugni blanc, accounting for 95% of Charente vineyards, but some winegrowers choose to keep older varieties with different aromatic or production characteristics, such as folle blanche, montils or colombard.

The vinegrower and his nurseryman, a complementary relationship

Discussion is therefore of primordial importance between the grower and the nurseryman who also provides advice on the preparation and fertilization of soils—for example, a rest of several years may be recommended or even crop rotation to ensure the disappearance of nematodes, worms that are a vector of grapevine fanleaf virus, a vine disease. Once the plot is studied and prepared and the type of plant selected, it takes another eighteen months to deliver the order.

The nurseryman will then assist his client by monitoring root development and providing protection against diseases. Plot after plot, the relationship between the nurseryman and the winemaker calls for total dedication!

un pépiniériste cognac pépinière vigne
©Marion Dubier Clark

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