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Cognac, Data & Artwork

We share with you this unique artistic creation based on worldwide exports of cognac.

Florian Zumbrunn, aka Floz, is a media artist whose work builds around digital art. Using code as a principal tool, he brings his visuals to life with a variety of different types of data, such as music, photos, digital data and text.

This creation was generated from the progression of Cognac export data for the NAFTA zone, the Far East, Europe and the rest of the World. The horizontal line represents the time line (from 1988 and 2017) and quantities of cognac exported: from top to bottom, the NAFTA zone, Far East, Europe, rest of the World.

Artist Florian Zumbrunn produced a creative algorithm that generates esthetic forms based on digital code. The data fed into the algorithm keeps it “alive” and operational. Because the data is very varied, it had to be standardized in order to make it more comprehensible for the digital system. The data was thus processed and generated by the Bright digital art platform. For this first creation we chose cognac export data for the whole world. Other BNIC data will be used for other creations.


This creation was generated from the progression of cognac export data for the NAFTA zone, the Far East, Europe and the rest of the World. Artist Florian Zumbrunn
Artwork floz-studio

Cognac pairing

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