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Old Fashioned

Whether you are a neophyte or a cocktail aficionado, discover our creations magnified by the aromatic bouquet of cognac.

Born in the 19th century in the United States, the Old Fashioned is one of the most iconic cognac cocktails. Fleshy and elegant, its intemporality is well-known.

Recipe to realise the Old Fashioned cognac cocktail

  • Brown sugar // 2 cubes
  • Angostura Bitters // 4-5 dashes
  • Sparkling water // 1 dash
  • Orange Angostura Bitters // 2 dashes
  • Cognac VSOP // 2 oz
  • Orange // 1 zest
  • Orange // 1 thin slice


Discover the steps of the Old Fashioned confection in the video below

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.

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